Monday, September 3, 2007

God is so real!

This Sunday morning, i was very shock of what the pastor teach us. He teach about "Covering of High Praise". God spoke to me allot, and from the massage, i learned something, that is how to go into the secret place, and what the secret place actually are. Beside that, the massage also an assurance of what God touched my heart when i'm doing my quite time with Him.

I bought a book call "come thirsty" and i ask Michelle to bring it on that Sunday morning, so finally i get it.was so happy.hehehe. :P Then when i'm back i read some of the pages...wau! is was great...hahaha..then i went to vision day in the evening. Wau!!! something happened again...and is shock me again....cos in that vision day... Ps give us to watch a video..and the massage that bring out is about 'thirsty'...i'm like telling myself ....wah!!! " got so chunn d meh" hahahah...but it is!

I think God really want to do some thing different in me...and i have to prepare my heart. I give thanks God still Love me...i'm really touch by Him.

When i'm the way mind was thinking, wau! our God is just like the movie director. He direct our movie (life)...inside the beginning, climax, emo, ending.... so our life is also like that too. imagine if the actor didn't follow what the director ask for...then the movie will a bad, horrible, and messy movie. So, want to have a good movie that can influence...yea....we have to listen to what the director(God) said.

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