a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you. Philippians 1:21, 23-24
Becoming a Christian is about the easiest thing a person can do. All the work has already been done! Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sin. He rose from the dead to give us life. He ascended back to heaven to make intercession for us before the Father. He sent the Holy Spirit to draw sinners to Himself. And when sinners do come, He gladly receives them and saves them by His grace. All the sinner has to do is believe (John 3:16). However, after we are saved, then the struggles begin!
Being spiritually alive now, we become keenly aware that we are living in a sinful world. We are surrounded by temptations and trials on a daily basis. At the same time, God expects us to be busy working for His glory. Is it worth being a believer? Yes, it is the best life possible! But at times, we can get so tired of all the struggles with temptation and Satan that we just want to go “home.”
Paul often felt that way. He felt “hard-pressed between the two.” He felt like a prisoner in this world. His body is here, but his heart is elsewhere. He feels the pressure of this life and longs for the freedom of heaven. Paul was getting “homesick.” But while Paul longed for heaven, he knew he was needed here on earth. Jesus needs workers in the harvest (4:35). Here are some truths that you need to come to terms with:
(1) God saved you to work (Eph. 2:10).
(2) You have a “debt” to repay (Rom. 1:14-15).
(3) You will be rewarded according to your labor (1 Cor. 3:13-15). We have been given the greatest message and mission that the world has ever known. It is our duty to take it to a world that is perishing in sin. We have a duty to serve the Lord with all our hearts while there is breath in our bodies. We owe it to Jesus, we owe it to the lost, we owe it to the saints of God and we owe it to the Church. Paul knew that while he lived, others could see Jesus living in and through him (Phil. 1:21). However, he knew that if he were to die, then he would be the better for it. To Paul, he was a winner either way.
by Ps. Kong
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